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Our work in Zambia

Our largest Pestalozzi Campus is in Lusaka, Zambia. Our Zambian Partners will soon educate over 1,600 children per year

What we do

We deliver child-centred education in Zambia, India, and Nepal for some of the most marginalised children in the world. We are inspired by the Pestalozzi approach, which focuses on developing academic abilities, essential vocational skills and children's confidence. We are "Heart-led" and emphasise nurturing social, emotional, and ethical well-being in all we do. All our programmes are designed to cultivate each child's unique strengths, preparing them for independent, fulfilling lives.

Education for social and economic impact

Our education programmes in the Global South aim to create future leaders and changemakers. We provide comprehensive, holistic education that goes beyond traditional learning, equipping young people with the skills they need to succeed and contribute to their communities' economic and social development.

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The challenges

Even the brightest children are held back by extreme rural poverty, early marriage, inadequate local schools, displacement due to conflict and the pressure to work. High School completion rates for the poorest rural communities are just 3% in Zambia, 13% in India and 10% in Nepal (UNESCO UIS 2019z).


Access to formal vocational training is limited and requires children to have secondary-level education. It is aimed at broad subject mastery over years, time that those living on less than $2 a day cannot afford at the expense of opportunities that might present for informal, temporary work they need to survive.


Inadequate education perpetuates underemployment and intergenerational poverty amongst the most marginalised communities. It excludes children from contributing to the formal economy, the development of their nations and from being global citizens. 


Solution 1: Residential education for Future Leaders

Our flagship Future Leaders Programme offers residential scholarships to the brightest children from disadvantaged rural backgrounds. These students receive a high-quality, child-centred education and live in a supportive, nurturing environment on a Pestalozzi Campus.


Impact: Nearly 2,700 alumni have graduated, equipped with the skills, knowledge and moral confidence to contribute meaningfully to their communities.


Focus: Academic excellence, social, emotional and ethical well-being, vocational training.

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Solution 2: Empowering youth with essential Skills

SkillsHub is a multifunctional vocational training facility in Zambia focusing on digital, hospitality and agricultural science skills. The programme equips out of school youth with in-demand vocational skills, enabling them to secure sustainable livelihoods and contribute to their local economies.


Programmes: Remedial ICT, Maths and Literacy in partnership with Edulution, agriculture, digital skills and more.


Clients: 880 youths annually from the lowest wealth quintile.

Solution 3: Outreach Scholarships

We partner with quality schools to offer scholarships, training, and support, ensuring students receive a child-centred education. Our scholarships at these schools promote social mobility and economic empowerment by providing access to education for children from disadvantaged backgrounds.


This approach allows us to share the experience of our campuses and our educational toolkits for increased impact.


Over 65 years of child-centred care (1959-2024)

Our programmes have transformed the lives of thousands of children, enabling them to contribute meaningfully to their communities and the world.​


By focusing on each child's unique strengths, we cultivate not only academic ability but also essential vocational skills Our diverse communities foster inclusion and develop children's innate empathy.

Nurturing change-makers

"Growing up in a refugee camp, I faced many challenges. Thanks to Pestalozzi International, I am now an Engineering student and Bezos African Scholar. I want to give back to my community through the power of engineering to create sustainable solutions to the problems they face."

Our alumni are a new generation of teachers, health professionals, entrepreneurs, aid workers, and leaders equipped with the knowledge, compassion, and skills to positively impact their communities. We are creating a trailblazing group of pioneers who inspire those in their communities. Our data demonstrates contributions from our Alumni towards all 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Ahmed Kazadi Kabuya

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Contributing to society and

58% of our Future Leaders work in careers of public service: in healthcare , teaching, and NGO's. Many others have successful businesses.  

Stories of Success 

Our programmes profoundly impact the lives of our students and their communities. Over 70% of our Alumni give back to their communities, and many have pursued careers in public service, contributing to social mobility and economic growth in their regions.

The effects of our education extend far beyond individual students, creating a ripple effect that benefits communities and entire countries.

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Pestalozzi International is committed to expanding our social impact, focusing on the regions where the need is greatest.

The children and young people who join our programmes demonstrate exceptional potential despite facing significant challenges. Many are girls and refugees from disadvantaged backgrounds. Our rigorous selection process ensures that we reach those most in need, helping them transform their futures and, in turn, the futures of those around them.


By supporting our expansion efforts, you can help bring holistic education to the children who need it most, enabling them to break the cycle of poverty and become leaders and changemakers in their communities.


Help us to reach 
more children

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