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  • Jessica Faircloth

“I want to study a Bachelors of Science in Computer Technology, because I want to reduce computer illiteracy in my community.” Meet Richard Mulenga.

Part3: Interview with Richard Mulenga Pestalozzi International Zambia 2022

“My name is Richard Mulenga, I am a Pestalozzi Alumni. I graduated from Pestalozzi in 2020 and I am here to attend scholarship interviews by MasterCard- United States International University Africa.

Being at Pestalozzi was a great experience for me, not just academically but also in my social development. I learned a lot from my peers, school and from the house parents and I really appreciate. Moreover, I enjoyed the experience and I wish to come back and start over again.

During my time at Pestalozzi, a group of fellow students and I, helped a student with his graduation clothing. This is a student who was less advantaged to get clothing for his graduation, my group and I had ventured into tie and dyeing shorts and t shirts which we sold to raise money to help out our friend get his graduation clothes. This was a great experience for me and I felt proud to be able to give back to my community through this act, I wish to do even more.

Pestalozzi has taught me not only to excel academically, but also socially. I have learned to socialize with people from different beliefs and different backgrounds. I have learned the importance of friendship, it is something I value greatly and this owes to Pestalozzi, Thank you. Additionally, I still keep in contact with my friends, and I believe I will still continue to be in contact with them as this is something Pestalozzi installed in me.

Furthermore, I want to study bachelors of Science in computer technology, and this is because I am passionate about standing up for, and helping other people just like I have been helped. I want to reduce computer illiteracy in my community, further, I want to teach them to be able to apply the skills in real live to improve their lifestyle just like I will be taught once I attain the knowledge in university.

I joined Pestalozzi at an age of 10, and life before, was quite hard for me and my family. I came from a village and life there was not really easy. I had to walk over 5 km every day to get to school. Being a community school, the education rendered was not really good. Thanks to Pestalozzi, I was able to graduate from high school with brilliant grades.

It is really a great honour to be able to share my experience with people.

My future has been shaped by Pestalozzi, because life in my village is really difficult and if it was not for Pestalozzi I do not know what would have become of me. I have seen my friends whom I used to be with before joining Pestalozzi, they have not really made it. On the other hand, I am privileged to attend universities and good schools and it is all thanks to Pestalozzi.

Altogether, I would love to thank the work you are doing for all the children and I wish this continues for generations to come. You have given me the opportunity to be someone in life with a positive outlook on life. To see the good part in life and not only focusing on the setbacks. I really thank you, I may not be able to express how grateful I am, for the scholarship and the opportunity to be with Pestalozzi. It is an honor to me and my family and my community at large, because you have taught me to be a great person resourceful to my community.”

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